A Life Saving Experience

A recent note from one of our former youth…it speaks for itself:

Coyote Hill Foster Care Ministries was the best time of my life, with amazing people…people who give their lives to help children.  Many foster kids feel like foster homes are a bit like jail, but while at Coyote Hill Foster Care Ministries, I went to water parks, concerts and places that blew my mind. Before coming to Coyote Hill Foster Care Ministries, I had never been to a concert or a hotel.  While at Coyote Hill Foster Care Ministries, my Home Parent Mom took me to a Christian concert, and all I could do was cry because I was so thankful for how she was helping me.

The people at Coyote Hill Foster Care Ministries are so kind and understanding. They changed my life and taught me to be a better person. I don’t know how I can ever thank these people that literally saved my life. The direction my life was going before I came to Coyote Hill Foster Care Ministries…I just don’t think I would have made it to adulthood.  So, I am very thankful for all of you, and the way you are changing kids’ lives every day.  God bless each of you!

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